A Sense of Optimism

Tiffany Scuglik

With many of us at home and feeling a sense of unknown, we have been looking back at history and reflecting on what our 128 years of business can teach us during this time.

As we work through these trying times, we were reminded of the life and leadership examples that have been passed on to us through the years. There is a paragraph in the dedication of The Cullen Way, a book that shows the history of JP Cullen throughout the years, describing the lessons learned from our grandfather that seemed very timely to share:

“Looking forward, there are some great values and lessons we can learn from JP’s life example. No one owes us anything. We have to work hard, be team players, and sweat the details, as that is where opportunity can be found or lost. It does not matter what one’s position is in this company. We all have something we can teach one another so we should look for these opportunities. Probably the biggest gift JP gave us is a profound sense of optimism. When you thought things couldn’t get much worse, he’d give you a little wink and say, ‘It will work out.’ He was always right.”

During these difficult times, do not lose sight of the positive that continues to happen in our communities and at our project sites. Check out our Facebook page to learn more about the stories of positivity we are sharing!

How You Can Help

Are you looking for a way to help during this time? We have compiled a list of ways you can help your neighbors and community today.

Donate or Volunteer at a Local Organization

Many of our local organizations are in need of supplies and volunteers right now. Please consider helping these local organizations listed below:

Donate Blood

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Red Cross has had to cancel thousands of blood drives across the country. Please consider checking out the American Red Cross and scheduling a donation.

Support Local Businesses

Many local small businesses including restaurants, bars, bookstores, and other shops have had to close their doors but are now offering curbside pick-ups and deliveries in order to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. We can support these local businesses by ordering online or purchasing gift cards now for future use.

We thank you all for being who you are as people and colleagues, for the over-and-above effort in your day job and in your personal lives, and for being part of the JP Cullen family. Stay well!

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February 5, 2025