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We know the significance of a thoughtfully crafted strategy to effectively involve and educate the community prior to a referendum, and also to establish a schedule, budget, and management plan for construction during the preconstruction phase. This approach provides you the flexibility to make informed decisions, involve the community, and get the most value for every taxpayer dollar invested.

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The Path to Yes

Our experts have a keen understanding of the importance of a well-designed plan for educating the taxpayers in advance of a referendum, and developing a schedule, budget, and construction management plan during preconstruction. This allows your District to have the flexibility to make good business decisions, engage the community, and get the most value for every taxpayer dollar invested.

However, in our experience, successful referenda are not the result of just one individual or firm’s efforts, but the culmination of months of planning and implementation. Finding the right solution at an acceptable cost/tax impact, developing an appropriate community strategy, and customizing the message for the community in which the question(s) is being posed, are all essential to garnering community support.

A referendum campaign is not a thing or event. It must be an ongoing, daily process in your District. It requires the involvement of the School Board, Administration, Staff, parents, and citizens. Finding the right solution at an acceptable cost/tax impact, developing an appropriate community strategy, and customizing the message for the community in which the question(s) is being posed, are all essential to garnering community support. It is not easy and takes an incredible number of hours of hard work by everyone involved. However, hard work does pay incredible dividends on Election Day.

Referenda represent sometimes small, but often large, changes for Districts and communities. Adapting to change can be difficult for individuals, and even more so for large groups of people with varied interests and motivations. However, there are specific steps you can take regarding adaptation to change that are outlined in our Vote Yes Referendum Guide.

Pre-Referendum Services

A successful referendum requires the use of a whole host of tools, and the following are some of the top one JP Cullen has the ability and experience to use during your process:

  • Existing Facility Condition Report & Maintenance Plans
  • Sustainability & Energy Conservation Options
  • Budgetary Estimates for Viable Options
  • Preliminary Construction Schedules
  • Assist District and Facility Advisory Committee with Analysis, Prioritization & Communication of Final Option(s) for Referendum to
    the Board & Community
  • Active Participation at Committee & Community Meetings
  • Renovation, Addition and Build New Analysis
  • Evaluation of Proposed Building Site
  • Phasing Options for Additions & Renovations
  • Financial Analysis – Construction Value & Full Project Costs
  • Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Referendum Question
  • Project Spend-Down Analysis for Cash Flow Projections
  • Boots-on-the-Ground Plan to Educate
  • Community on Referendum, Top 10 Questions & Sense of Urgency
  • Community Involvement Plan for Local Businesses
  • Camera-Ready Schedules, Reports, Estimates & Communication Flyers for Promotional Use
Alex Mielke
Referendum Services & Community Engagement Leader
Alex Mielke

In-House Experts

Our in-house experts, led by Alex Mielke, have a keen understanding of the importance of a well-designed plan for both engaging and educating stakeholders throughout the entire life of the project – from the day we are hired and beyond the completion of construction. We will ensure you have a strategic plan for boots-on-the-ground and assist you in the planning and execution of your stakeholder engagement and education efforts.

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    Post-Referendum Services

    Our communications does not end when the referendum is passed. We are part of your team through construction and beyond. Below are just a few examples of how we stay engaged and proactively help the District communicate throughout the construction. Remember, those taxpaying supporters want to see and know where their money is going!

    • Community Brochures
    • Jobsite Signage
    • Videos
    • Groundbreaking Ceremony
    • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
    • Social Media Plan
    • …and more!

    Referendum Projects

    Vote Yes Referendum Guide

    Over the past few decades, JP Cullen has been involved in many successful school referendums and educational construction projects throughout Wisconsin. What we have learned regarding the art and science of conducting a successful referendum campaign is showcased in this guide for the benefit of your District. It will act as your roadmap through what will undoubtedly be an educational process and a successful process that culminates with a “Vote Yes” on election day. Contact us to get your copy of the guide!