VA Milwaukee Soldiers Home Welcomes Its First Residents

Sean Cullen

After 18 months of construction and 30 years of vacancy prior to that, the VA Soldiers Home welcomed its first residents in the Old Main building on March 12, 2021.

The VA Soldiers Home Historical Renovation has been a passion project for JP Cullen, The Alexander Company and Ramlow/Stein. Many of our staff members at JP Cullen are veterans and we hold these types of projects close to our heart. This National Historic Landmark has been restored to include a campus of six buildings with a total of 101 supportive housing units. Having been established just aver the Civil War in 1864 by a group of local women to service veterans with meals and medical care, reestablishing the buildings to service their original intent is a huge source of pride for the project team. The $44 million dollar project was funded by low income housing tax credits, federal and state historic tax credits, grants, military construction funds, capital campaign, and other soft financing.

Giving Back to the Milwaukee Community

The VA Soldiers Home will house homeless and at-risk veterans of becoming homeless and their families. The Department of Veterans Affairs will be providing onsite supportive services for veterans living at Soldiers Home. Some of the services included are: case management, educational training and employment assistance, temporary financial assistance, recreational activities, sobriety maintenance, and outpatient clinical referrals.

Ensuring Historical Restoration for the Future of Milwaukee

JP Cullen aims to continue supporting the restoration efforts of historical buildings in Milwaukee and surrounding areas. JP Cullen has committed to contribute $200,000 to the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance (MPA) through the JP Cullen Foundation. To date, JP Cullen has paid two of five installments for a total of $80,000.

MPA is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting stewardship and awareness of the historic, cultural, and economic value of Milwaukee’s built heritage. Their mission is to strengthen Milwaukee’s neighborhoods by advocating for and promoting their unique cultural spaces and architectural assets to foster a strong and vibrant community as well as demonstrating the link between historic preservation and viable economic development.

Many of our staff members at JP Cullen are veterans and we continue to strive and find ways to support and give back to the veterans community. We thank all veterans for their service. Send me an email at to talk through historical restoration for your next project.

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