Meet the Crew: Amy La Mere-Stoops

Tiffany Scuglik

Meet Amy La Mere-Stoops! Amy is JP Cullen’s Healthcare Construction Director.

What is your current title and when did you start at JP Cullen?

I started at JP Cullen on Aug 16, 2021, and my current title is Healthcare Construction Director – I’m responsible for the Healthcare Team’s growth + development, ensuring project success + profitability, maintaining relationships with existing clients, building relationships with new clients, and strategically seeking out + securing opportunities for the Healthcare Division.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

Knowing that the services JP Cullen provides, the facilities we build, and the partnerships we form positively impact society and improve the community.

What sparked your interest in the construction industry?

My grandfather was a lineman for Wisconsin Public Service and my father is always fixing thing… I grew up surrounded by “handy men” and have always been interested in how things work and impressed with the skills + talent required to create something out of nothing.

Who has been most motivational to you in your career?

In 2001, when I graduated college, I was one of two females in engineering. Since then, I’ve been honored to work a long side a number of amazing and inspirational female leaders. As a collective group, these women provide me perspective and the motivation to be the best I can be, challenge the norm, constantly evolve, and encourage + support others.

What is your proudest achievement?

My collection of titles – I love being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, engineer, coworker, confidant, friend, and leader.

What are your top three highlights of your life?

1. Influencing the lives of the Stoops Boys… 2. Providing and encouraging loud belly laughter… 3. Traveling the world and eating incredible food…

What is your favorite memory?

Too many to pick – but I love road trips without navigation or a timeline. Riding with my family growing up, with my grandfather before he passed, or with friends across the US and abroad – so many adventures, great conversations, and memories!

What is something that no one knows about you?

I spend most of my free time in pants.

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