ATC Cottage Grove Expansion

Cottage Grove
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American Transmission Company (ATC)


Cottage Grove

American Transmission Company (ATC) underwent a significant transformation by merging two offices and expanding their Cottage Grove campus to accommodate approximately 150 employees from the Madison area. Our team was entrusted with the construction of an office building addition, a data center, and an outdoor equipment yard.

The result was a modern, sustainable building designed to maximize natural light and foster employee well-being. Inside, the facility boasts enhanced gathering spaces, healthy food options, and a fitness center, creating a conducive environment for productivity and collaboration. Surrounding the building, native prairies and a walking path were incorporated to further enrich the workplace experience.

Innovative approaches such as prefabrication were used throughout the project to streamline the construction schedule. For instance, the data center, housing over three miles of underground conduit, saw significant time savings through the prefabrication of conduit racks by the electrical contractor. Similarly, the mechanical contractor prefabricated a 45-foot-long pipe rack for hydronic piping, designed on wheels for easy positioning and installation using chain falls. These efforts not only accelerated the project timeline but also minimized waste and mitigated safety risks.

By leveraging prefabrication techniques and prioritizing sustainability and employee well-being, our team successfully delivered a state-of-the-art facility that embodies efficiency, innovation, and excellence.

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