UW Hospital F8-4 Burn Unit

Square Footage:
Madison, Wisconsin
UW Health

Square Footage:



Madison, Wisconsin

Built in 1974, the UW Burn Center underwent remodeling in 2013 to better accommodate its staff and patients. In fall of 2018, JP Cullen completed the demolition of the F8-4 Wing in preparation for this project. In March 2019, JP Cullen along with architect HKS completed a 15,000 square-foot remodel and 11-bed expansion to the Burn Center that created more space and services for its patients, including a new therapy room, second tub room, a children’s playroom, and multiple procedure rooms.

This expansion and remodel was necessary to maintain and better the UW Burn Center’s treatment and care to not only their over 400 burn patients each year, but also patients suffering from other skin conditions such as frostbite, dermatological conditions, soft tissue conditions, and those in need of reconstructive surgery. Learn more about the services offered at the Burn Center in our blog.

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