- Commercial
Educators Credit Union Oak Creek
- Educators Credit Union
- Educators Credit Union
- Plunkett Rayish Architects
Square Footage:
Educators Credit Union
Plunkett Rayish Architects
The new Educators Credit Union Oak Creek branch is a new, out-of-the-ground building of approximately 3,671 square feet gross floor area with a 1,501 square feet free-standing drive-thru canopy. The building is of Structural Steel and Cold-Formed Metal wall construction. The envelope includes aluminum-framed curtain wall, storefront, anchored stone veneer, and fiber-cement siding. The roof consists of two systems; single ply membrane EPDM roofing on steel deck and steel beams, and standing seam sheet metal roofing on steel deck and steel beams. Site work includes an excavations for building foundations and site utilities, trash enclosure and monument sign with foundations, asphalt paving, concrete paving, curb & gutter, landscaping, light poles and other site improvements. Interior finishes include gypsum and glass partitions, doors and casework, linear metal ceilings, resilient flooring & carpeting, and ceramic tiling.